What everyone's saying...

Here are some quotes from people who have registered here to come along.
We haven't even really started yet, but this community spirit makes it all worthwhile - thanks.

"God save the queen"

"happy to be involved, let me know if you need any more help"

"Would be happy to print out some flyers to put up and down the street as the event is not very well advertised! And make cookies/prepare a table for our front yard if that helps."

"Happy to help in any way. Please let me know what you need help with!"

"Lmk if you need more cash and will try to confirm guests next week!
Suggestions to follow..."

"Please get in touch if you need any help with anything"

"We live in Thorngate road , is it ok to still come and can we bring anything ? "

"It would be lovely if we could get a local band down to play some music, or a DJ etc"

"We are really looking forward to it, lovely to see community spirit is still alive. We will bring some goodies along for kids. Will be around to drop cash for kitty thursday if this is any good ? If you need a hand with something give us a shout."

"Happy to bake cakes if needed :-)"

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